Thursday, January 03, 2013

2013 share prices/ delivery schedule

2013 CSA vital information.

I haven't yet rewritten our webpage but today I just finished going over our expenses for the season and looking over what  our costs will be compared to last year.  Which means I've come up with our share prices for 2013.

1 person eating alone vegetable share  $485

2 person eating together vegetable share $648

Family vegetable share  (four person)  $1295

Fruit share
Beginning Mid July and continuing until October 14th

Half dozen egg share vegetables available at the farm.
First week of vegetable pick up at the farm  May 11th
First week of vegetable delivery  June 10th
Last week of vegetable delivery  October 14th
First fall date of vegetable pick up at farm  October 20th

Delivery schedule

Monday  5:30-7 pm
East Falls Church
Bannaker Park

 Tuesday  5:30-7 pm
Dupont Circle Area
16th and P  NW

St. Clements Church  5:30-6:30 pm
 Quaker Lane

Centreville (location to be announced)

Hill  3rd and D St  SE  5:45-6:30

Cleveland Park  (behind the Uptown Theater)   5:45-6:30

Near the farm   5-7

Old Town Train Station  5:30-6:30

We are now signing up new shareholders.
 To sign up send an email to
including this information
*email address
*tentative pick up location  (you can change your pick up location every week all season long just by giving at least one day's notice)
*What size vegetable share
*Whether you want an egg share and/or fruit share

Your share will be confirmed when we receive half payment
Full payment is due by May 11th

Mail payment to  43

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

2012 Vegetable shares

I didn't start taking pictures until the  fifth week however I did keep a record of what we put in the  shares.  This is the first year I attempted to record our share with pictures.  However I did record in writing what was in the shares.  That record can be found on our webpage.
These pictures are of our two person share and sometimes the fruit share has been included.  I've received comments wondering if the later weeks are for a smaller share or is it just my picture taking. The answer is these are all two person shares. Actually, if anything, the later weeks were larger than the first weeks simply because of the nature of what comes into season around here so it must be my picture taking.  Sorry about that.

garlic scapes, pac choi, mustard greens, salad greens, Swiss chard, lettuce, summer squash, cucumbers, a basil plant in a pot

Week 2
pac choi, garlic scapes, lettuce, Swiss chard, a flower plant in a pot, sorrel,  a dozen eggs, squash, cucumbers

Week 3
cucumbers, salad mix, kohlrabi
pac choi, garlic scapes, broccoli,  an herb plant - marjoram or thyme, Italian basil

Week 4
broccoli, kale, mustard greeens, eggplant, bell peppers, pac choi, garlic scapes, Italian basil, plant - variaged sorrel

 Week 5 
(Italian basil, summer squash, eggplant, potatoes, bell peppers, onions, cauliflower, garlic,  First fruit share peaches and apricots)

Week 6
garlic, squash, cucumbers, bell peppers, cucumbers, bell peppers, eggplant onions potatoes, radishes Italian basil, tomatillos, herb plant

Week 7 
(garlic, onions, potatoes, sorrel, Italian basil,  eggplant, tomatillos, bell, peppers, kale)

 Week 8  (no picture)
 (garlic, onions, potatoes, kale, Italian basil, eggplant, tomatillos, bell peppers, tomatoes)

 Week 9
 (garlic, onions, potatoes, watermelon, sweet corn, Italian basil, tomatillos, bell peppers, jalapenos, tomatoes)

Week 10
(garlic, onions, potatoes, sweet corn, eggplant, poblamo peppers, hot peppers, Italian basil, Thai basil, sorrel, tomatoes)

 Week 11
(garlic, onions, potatoes, sweet corn, squash, ground cherries, cherry tomatoes, Italian basil, tomatoes)

Week 12
(tomatoes, string beans, garlic, potatoes, tomatillos, sweet corn, Italian basil, bell peppers, Hungarian sweet peppers, onions.

 Week 12 /alternate
(tomatoes, sweet corn, fingerling potatoes, onions, garlic, cherry tomatoes, Italian basil, string beans)

 Week 13
(garlic, onions, blue and red fingerling potatoes, sweet corn, cushaw cooking pumpkin, cherry tomatoes, bell peppers, hot peppers, tomatoes)

 Week 14
(Italian basil, sorrel, garlic, onions, potatoes, sweet corn, tomatoes, bell peppers, hot peppers)

 Week 15
(Thai basil, eggplant, string beans, garlic, potatoes, sweet corn, tomatoes, bell peppers, tomatillos, sorrel, bitter melon)

 Week 16
(Mesclum salad mix, sweet potatoes, stuffing peppers, Italian basil, eggplant, garlic, potatoes, bell peppers, tomatoes)

 Week 17
(Sweet corn, potatoes, sweet potatoes, bell peppers, eggplant, salad mix, mustard greens, winter squash, radishes, garlic)

 Week 18
(sweet corn, sweet potatoes, fingerling potatoes, bell peppers, hot peppers, Hungarian and Mariachi peppers, salad mix, okra, radishes, garlic)

 Week 19
(Honey, sweet corn, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, bell peppers,  hot peppers, misc. peppers, salad greens, black walnuts, mustard greens, Italian basil, Thai basil, sorrel, garlic)
