2013 share prices/ delivery schedule
2013 CSA vital information.
I haven't yet rewritten our webpage but today I just finished going over our expenses for the season and looking over what our costs will be compared to last year. Which means I've come up with our share prices for 2013.
1 person eating alone vegetable share $485
2 person eating together vegetable share $648
Family vegetable share (four person) $1295
Fruit share
Beginning Mid July and continuing until October 14th
Half dozen egg share vegetables available at the farm.
First week of vegetable pick up at the farm May 11th
First week of vegetable delivery June 10th
Last week of vegetable delivery October 14th
First fall date of vegetable pick up at farm October 20th
Delivery schedule
Monday 5:30-7 pm
East Falls Church
Bannaker Park
Tuesday 5:30-7 pm
Dupont Circle Area
16th and P NW
St. Clements Church 5:30-6:30 pm
Quaker Lane
Centreville (location to be announced)
Hill 3rd and D St SE 5:45-6:30
Cleveland Park (behind the Uptown Theater) 5:45-6:30
Near the farm 5-7
Old Town Train Station 5:30-6:30
We are now signing up new shareholders.
To sign up send an email to farm@bullrunfarm.com
including this information
*email address
*tentative pick up location (you can change your pick up location every week all season long just by giving at least one day's notice)
*What size vegetable share
*Whether you want an egg share and/or fruit share
Your share will be confirmed when we receive half payment
Full payment is due by May 11th
Mail payment to 43
I haven't yet rewritten our webpage but today I just finished going over our expenses for the season and looking over what our costs will be compared to last year. Which means I've come up with our share prices for 2013.
1 person eating alone vegetable share $485
2 person eating together vegetable share $648
Family vegetable share (four person) $1295
Fruit share
Beginning Mid July and continuing until October 14th
Half dozen egg share vegetables available at the farm.
First week of vegetable pick up at the farm May 11th
First week of vegetable delivery June 10th
Last week of vegetable delivery October 14th
First fall date of vegetable pick up at farm October 20th
Delivery schedule
Monday 5:30-7 pm
East Falls Church
Bannaker Park
Tuesday 5:30-7 pm
Dupont Circle Area
16th and P NW
St. Clements Church 5:30-6:30 pm
Quaker Lane
Centreville (location to be announced)
Hill 3rd and D St SE 5:45-6:30
Cleveland Park (behind the Uptown Theater) 5:45-6:30
Near the farm 5-7
Old Town Train Station 5:30-6:30
We are now signing up new shareholders.
To sign up send an email to farm@bullrunfarm.com
including this information
*email address
*tentative pick up location (you can change your pick up location every week all season long just by giving at least one day's notice)
*What size vegetable share
*Whether you want an egg share and/or fruit share
Your share will be confirmed when we receive half payment
Full payment is due by May 11th
Mail payment to 43