Monday, February 15, 2016

Do you remember that door stop from a couple years ago?

Does anyone remember these from a couple years ago?  They were in our share towards the end of the year.  No one knew what to do with them and I couldn't remember where the seed came from.  I remember one shareholder posted a picture on their facebook page of it being used as a door stop.

 Anyway,  this picture comes from the Farmers Market in Hilo, Hawaii.  It wasn't just this one stand but close to a dozen of the vendors were selling them.  When I asked what they were I was mostly given a quizzical look but finally I found a name.  The local name seemed to be long squash  however a better, more formal name was Filipino Squash.  When I gave it a google search there it was.  Filipino Squash.  A type of winter squash with  pictures of many tasty dishes.  So remember its name incase I find the seeds again.

Thursday, February 04, 2016

2016 share prices

 Run Mountain Farm CSA share sizes and prices for 2016

We are lengthening our season to 20 weeks this year plus a month of vegetables for shareholders that come out to the farm and the chance to glean our fields after our season ends.

'The Peck'  This is what most CSA's call the half share.
 For the full 20 week season $525
for the first 10 weeks  $260
for the last 10 weeks $280

'The Bunch'  The same as what most CSA's  call the full share
got the full 20 week season  $700
for the first 10 weeks  $350
for the first 10 weeks  $380

'The Bushel'  The vegetarian share.  With this share even our families that live on vegetables will usually find they have enough to cover their eating needs every week all season long.  $1395

Fruit share  --  (mostly peaches and apples) which begins when the local peaches begin to ripen in mid July and runs to the end of our share delivery season in mid October.
Full fruit share   10-12 pieces of fruit per week  $120. 
Half fruit share.   5-6 pieces of fruit per week $65

Egg share -  $95 for half a dozen eggs per week during the vegetable delivery season,  During the winter, if you come to the farm you can take home several dozen a week/ supply willing.

to sign up for a share send an email to